Finding Unanticipated Patterns in Clinical Cohorts Using Open Clinical Data

Adverse events correlated with commonly-prescribed diabetes drugs.

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I know that...

For decades, it has been standard practice to treat patients based on broadly-defined groups that they fit into based on sex, racial group or other outward-facing factors. Unfortunately, this has led to drugs' often being prescribed to patients based on a relatively small amount of information known about them, with little emphasis on how the patient’s own genetic or phenotypic status may affect the outcomes.

This is the case for diabetes, a metabolic disorder that affects millions of people in the U.S. and around the world. For type I diabetes, the most common prescribed medication is insulin. Patients who take insulin often give themselves injections multiple times per day, and monitor their blood sugar levels. Any relief of burden on diabetes patients from adverse events or from the prescribed medications themselves would be significant.

How Might Translator Help?

Translator offers the opportunity to recommend a drug of choice for a given patient by answering questions about drug-genotype or drug-phenotype interactions quickly and efficiently. In this case, the search also yielded an unexpected interaction that warrants further investigation. When this unexpected result was investigated in more depth, it was noted that a Google search for the terms produced too much noise to easily allow for the connection to be made. A PubMed search yielded 17 hits but only the 17th was relevant and that paper was from 1968 and written in Spanish, making it essentially inaccessible to a large number of researchers. Our researcher hypothesized that either (1) physicians are implicitly aware of different subcategories of diabetes and that these subcategories are reflected in the medications they prescribe, or (2) that different diabetes medications cause different phenotypes.

Can Translator use clinical and research data sets to help clinical researchers find patterns in adverse events and explain the mechanism behind them?

Translator Insight

Translator returned a connection between insulin and atelectasis, with atelectasis not showing up in the adverse events lists of eight other common classes of diabetes medications. Insulin is an extremely common treatment for diabetes patients, with most type 1 diabetes patients requiring insulin, along with approximately 20% of type 2 diabetes patients.

Atelectasis is a partial or sometimes total collapse of the lung occurring when the alveoli become deflated or filled with fluid, which can prolong hospitalizations and be potentially life-threatening. A connection between insulin and atelectasis could have broad implications in the treatment of diabetes. Translator identified and explained this surprising connection through the synthesis of multiple, disparate data sources. Furthermore, because we are using an open health database that was created as a part of Translator, we were able to make connections between real patients’ medication history and their later diagnoses with seemingly unrelated phenotypes. This made it possible to find commonalities between them not necessarily codified in other data sources.

The Power of Translator

Discovering novel drug effects Translator made an unexpected connection between a commonly-prescribed medication for a well-studied disease and a medical complication.

Finding connections that can’t be made through “traditional” search methods easily Translator reported a connection between insulin and atelectasis that could not be deduced easily through standard search engines such as Google and PubMed.

Process Details

The Columbia Open Health Database (COHD) was queried for negative features associated with patients who were prescribed common diabetes drugs. The resulting sets of features are shown in Figure 1 below. Unsurprisingly, all of the common drugs highlighted here were associated with hypertension, type 2 diabetes, and arteriosclerosis. However, only insulin was also associated with atelectasis.

Translator was then utilized to find connections between insulin and atelectasis, with the goal of elucidating the underlying reason for the association found in COHD. As shown in Figure 2 below, Translator returned a relationship involving insulin receptor, which could direct future research into the cause of this correlation.

Translator was used to find negative clinical features that are associated with common diabetes drugs. All of the listed drugs were associated with essential hypertension, type 2 diabetes mellitus and coronary arteriosclerosis. In addition, the drugs metformin, glipizide, sitagliptin, exenatide, rosiglitazone, canagliflozin and repaglinide were all associated with hyperlipidemia. Only insulin was returned with an association to atelectasis.
Figure 1: Common diabetes drugs and their associations to negative clinical features. Common diabetes drugs were used to search the Columbia Open Health Database (COHD) for negative clinical features associated with patients who were prescribed these drugs. Unsurprisingly, all of the common drugs highlighted here were associated with hypertension, type 2 diabetes and arteriosclerosis. However, only insulin was also associated with atelectasis.


The result returned by Translator which connects insulin to atelectasis is shown in this figure. Human insulin is connected to the insulin receptor, which is associated with lung disease, of which atelectasis is one type.
Figure 2: Connections found linking insulin to atelectasis. The RTX reasoning tool found a path between Translator data linking insulin to atelectasis. The connection between insulin receptor and lung disease was returned by SemMedDB, representing a trio of publications about non-small cell lung cancer being linked to the insulin receptor complex. This highlights an important aspect of the Translator program: Sometimes the results will not be conclusive, but will unearth new avenues of potential future research.

Data Sources


A reasoning tool created for Translator that integrates many different databases into a cohesive knowledge graph.


A repository of semantic predications (subject-predicate-object triples) extracted by SemRep, a semantic interpreter of biomedical text. SemMedDB currently contains approximately 94.0 million predications extracted from PubMed.


An open clinical database that includes counts and frequencies of conditions, procedures, drug exposures and patient demographics derived from the Columbia University Medical Center's Observational Health Data Sciences and Informatics (OHDSI) database.



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