Application Information for CTSA Program Research Training and Career Development Awards
See below for all application Information for CTSA Program Research Training and Career Development Awards.
Application Information for Career Development, Research Training and Research Education Companion NOFOs for the Clinical and Translational Science Awards (CTSA) Program: PAR-25-194, PAR-25-195, PAR-25-196, and PAR-25-197.
Please note: The primary sources of all information regarding the Career Development, Research Training and Research Education Companion NOFOs for the Clinical and Translational Science Awards are the funding opportunity notices themselves and any notices linked therein.
Open Opportunities
Budget and Funding
Is cost sharing required for the Career, Training and Research Education FOAs?
No. This FOA does not require cost sharing as defined in the NIH Grants Policy Statement.
The sharing of costs of a scholar/trainee is not allowed. Programs may not split funds for an awarded slot across two or more individuals.
Any applicant identifying voluntary committed cost share in the budget sections of the application will be bound to the cost share commitment for the entire approved project period. Personnel effort requested without salary support will be considered voluntary committed cost share, and the applicant institution will be bound to the relevant salary, fringe and associated Facilities & Administrative (F&A) costs for the entire approve project period.
K12: Mentored Research Career Development Program Award
What tables are required for the K12?
Relevant text from PAR-25-196: For this NOFO, applicants should use the following Data Tables only (Data for scholars should be entered into the Postdoctoral sections of the Data Tables):
- Table 2 (New and Renewal applications)
- Table 3 (New and Renewal applications)
- Table 4 (New and Renewal applications)
- Table 8B, Part II (New) and Table 8B, Part I and Part II (Renewal applications only)
New applicants are to complete Table 8B, Part II. The training tables for new applications allow only five years of recent outcomes to be included; however, the application may describe up to 15 years of outcomes in the narrative.
For Personnel Costs, does “Up to 6.0 person-months total effort per annum may be allocated for all other program leadership, administrative and management personnel” mean up to 6.0 person-months for each program admin/management person OR a total of the combined admin/management person-months may not exceed 6.0 months per year?
The combined (total) effort for all other program leadership, administrative, and management personnel (excluding the Program Director [PD]/Principal Investigator [PI]) may not exceed 6.0 person-months per year.
The length of appointments for scholars on the K12 can range from two to five years. Is there any preferred duration of appointment?
Relevant text from PAR-25-196: Scholar support is provided for a minimum of two years and a maximum of five years of consecutive funding for each scholar, consisting of 12-month appointments. The length of duration should be appropriate for the proposed career development program.
Is there flexibility in setting the start date for the K12 to ensure a smooth transition from the CTSA KL2 to the CTSA K12 program?
If a CTSA K12 application is under consideration for funding, NCATS Grants Management staff will negotiate the new K12 start date with the recipient organization taking into consideration the KL2 project period end date and currently active scholar appointments. The start date does not need to align with the UM1 budget period.
Can CTSA KL2 scholars be appointed to the CTSA K12 award?
Scholars who have completed their first year on the CTSA KL2 award can be appointed to the CTSA K12 award to fulfill the minimum two-year appointment requirement. NCATS Program and Grants Management staff will provide the recipient organization instructions on the proper documentation required for this transition.
What is the maximum salary for a K12 Scholar that the grant will support?
Relevant text from PAR-25-196: NCATS will contribute up to $120,000 per year toward the salary of each K12 scholar. Note that the salary allowance will be commensurate with the actual number of person-months committed applicable to their current salary and program-related activities. The $120,000 amount is exclusive of fringe benefits. In general, 9 person-months (75 percent of the K12 full-time effort) must be devoted to the K12 program, except for those in surgical specialties, which can have less than 9 person-months (75 percent), but no less than 6 person-months (50 percent), protected time for this program, if sufficiently justified and programmatically approved. Additional support may be requested for research-related activities detailed below. The total amount budgeted per scholar must not exceed $180,000 in direct costs per year.
According to the NOFO for the K12 (PAR-25-196), NCATS will contribute up to $120,000 per year toward the salary of each K12 scholar, which is exclusive of fringe benefits. However, the NOFO then states that the total amount budgeted per scholar must not exceed $180,000 in direct costs per year; is the $180,000 exclusive of fringe benefits or does the $180,000 include fringe?
Per the NOFO the $180,000 is total amount budgeted per scholar. The $180,000 includes all scholar DIRECT costs per year per scholar, including fringe benefits.
What is the definition of a Surgical Specialty?
Physicians (i.e., those with M.D., D.O. or equivalent degrees) who have completed training in their medical or surgical specialty. Physician specialties include, but are not limited to, the traditional medical and surgical specialties, anesthesiology, emergency medicine, family medicine, general internal medicine, general surgery, geriatrics, hospital medicine, neurology, obstetrics/gynecology, palliative medicine, physiatry/rehabilitation medicine and psychiatry, as well as dentists and dental specialists (i.e., those holding either a D.D.S., D.M.D. or equivalent dental degree).
Can a collaborator/collaborating organization within a CTSA program apply for funding under the K12 mechanism?
No. Only the primary UM1 CTSA hub institution is eligible to apply. Partner/Partnering and/or Collaborator/Collaborating organizations are not eligible.
Is the focus of the K12 program only on preparing scholars for independent NIH research funding (e.g., R01, R21, P50) or equivalent grants?
No. The focus is on launching scholars into independent clinical and translational science research careers, facilitating their timely transition (i.e., sectors including academia, industry, nonprofit and government), and continued engagement in research.
Does a K12 application have to be submitted concurrently with a UM1 application?
The K12 is a required companion application associated with PAR-24-272, Clinical and Translational Science Award (UM1 Clinical Trial Optional). The K12 must be submitted in accordance with the UM1 and K12 NOFOs application submission dates under the following scenario:
- Initial concurrent submission of both a UM1 application to PAR-24-272, Clinical and Translational Science Award and a K12 application to PAR-25-196
The K12 required companion application may be resubmitted in accordance with the applicable NOFO application submission dates under the following scenarios:
- concurrently with the resubmitted UM1
- while the UM1 application is under review consideration
- after the UM1 application is funded
- while the UM1 is under consideration for funding
While the K12 required companion application must be submitted concurrently with the initial UM1 application or resubmitted at any time the submitted UM1 new or resubmission application or award remains active, the K12 required companion application will only be awarded if the UM1 is awarded.
Our UM1 application was not selected for funding. The required companion K12 application was reviewed well but will not be awarded without the UM1. Can we submit only a revised UM1 application for the upcoming review cycle and expect the previous K12 application that received a meritorious priority score to be considered for funding?
Competing applications are eligible for funding consideration up to 14 months after Council review. If the Council review date for the UM1 application occurs after the eligibility period for the K12 companion application ends, a new or revised companion application must be submitted at the same time as the UM1 application.
The NOFO for which I submitted my competing application has expired. Is my application still eligible for funding consideration?
Yes. All NIH NOFOs expire the day after the last application receipt date. Competing applications are eligible for funding consideration up to 14 months after Council review.
Does the co-investigator of the K12 fall within the 3.60 person months PI/PD effort?
No. A co-investigator is not considered a PI/PD or Multi-PI. A co-investigator is considered as other program leadership, administrative, and management personnel. Up to 6.0 person months total effort per annum may be allocated for all other program leadership of the K12.
Can applicants use the xTRACT system to create of any of the required K12 training tables?
xTRACT is integrated with Commons. It is able to use xTrain appointment and related data to prepopulate some training data for training tables and reports. This includes data related to trainee names, selected characteristics, institutions, grant numbers, and subsequent National Institutes of Health and other U.S. Department of Health and Human Services awards. xTRACT also allows manual entry of data not found in Commons or xTrain. Manually entered information is stored in xTRACT and can be reused when preparing subsequent training table submissions.
Refer to the User Guide’s Table of Contents for your specific topic.
Can applicants ask for a different start date for the K12 than the UM1?
Yes. Applicants are to adhere to earliest start date noted in the NOFO. Applicants may request a preferred start date in the application. All requested start dates are subject to review and negotiation.
Predoctoral and Postdoctoral T32s: Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Research Training Grant
Yes. Applicants are to adhere to earliest start date noted in the NOFO. Applicants may request a preferred start date in the application. All requested start dates are subject to review and negotiation.
If an institution plans to submit both a predoctoral and a postdoctoral T32 training application, is it allowed that some training activities have both predocs and postdocs participate together?
The T32 NOFOs do not restrict organizations with predoctoral and postdoctoral training programs from sharing resources. The application should describe programs to support the particular career level the program will be supporting. Certain activities might overlap between programs and if certain training and career development activities benefit both career levels, then synergizing activities is wise (for example, seminars).
Can the PI for the Predoc T32 also be the PI for the PostdocT32?
The predoctoral T32 and postdoctoral T32 NOFOs do not restrict applications from having the same PI. Thus, it is possible for the same person to serve as the PI of the predoctoral and postdoctoral T32s. However, the PD/PI must meet all eligibility requirements for both NOFOs to be the PD/PI of both T32s concurrently.
Relevant text from PAR-25-194 and PAR-25-195: The PD/PI should be an established investigator in the scientific area in which the application is targeted and capable of providing both administrative and scientific leadership to the development and implementation of the proposed program.
Do the T32s need to be submitted at the same time as the UM1?
The T32s (PAR-25-194 and PAR-25-195) are companion optional applications associated with PAR-24-272, Clinical and Translational Science Award (UM1 Clinical Trial Optional) and may be submitted in accordance with the applicable NOFO application submission dates under the following scenarios:
- concurrently with the UM1
- while the UM1 application is under review consideration
- after the UM1 application is funded
- while the UM1 is under consideration for funding
While optional companion applications may be submitted concurrently with the UM1 application or at any time the submitted UM1 new or resubmission application remains active, optional companion applications will only be awarded if the UM1 is awarded.
Can the program directors/leaders/T32 Faculty be part of the Internal Advisory Committee?
This is allowable.
Relevant text from PAR-25-194 and PAR-25-195: The Internal Advisory Committee will be a group of scientists from the sponsoring department and other departments, as appropriate, with research interests relevant to clinical and translational science.
Will we be able to budget T32 administrative support in the UM1 application?
Salary support for individuals directing the predoctoral and postdoctoral T32s training may be requested in the UM1 application if:
- The individual has direct responsibilities and a justifiable role in activities conducted as an integrated endeavor on the UM1, and
- Costs are not duplicative.
Support can be added to the budget for each year of the requested 7-year period of the UM1. Note that if the individual's effort is requested on the UM1 without a justifiable UM1 role and/or the T32 is not awarded, the effort requested on the UM1 will be considered unallowable and the associated costs will be removed from the UM1 award.
Relevant text from PAR-24-272 (Element C: Training & Outreach): Personnel support for the required and optional companion training and education activities to ensure activities are conducted as an integrated endeavor may be included if costs are not duplicative. Applicant organizations should include a statement providing assurance that the activities and costs are not duplicative with the UM1 activities. Failure to provide an assurance statement may result in the removal of potential duplicative costs prior to award.
Where does the salary support for faculty who direct — and staff who manage — the T32 predoctoral and postdoctoral programs come from?
Relevant Text from PAR-25-194 and PAR-25-195: NIH will provide funds to help defray other research training expenses, such as health insurance, staff salaries, consultant costs, equipment, research supplies, and faculty and staff travel directly related to the research training program. The most recent levels of training-related expenses are announced annually in the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts.
Additionally, the UM1 can be leveraged to provide additional salary support for the individuals directing the predoctoral and postdoctoral T32s if they have an integrated role relevant to the scope of work of the UM1. Personnel support for the optional companion training and education activities to ensure activities are conducted as an integrated endeavor may be included if costs are not duplicative.
Applicant organizations should include a statement providing assurance that the activities and costs are not duplicative with the UM1 activities. Failure to provide an assurance statement may result in the removal of potential duplicative costs prior to award.
Can applicants on the T32/K12/R25 absorb all the PD/PI effort on the UM1 or through another funding source?
No, per NIH grants policy, Senior Key Personnel (including individuals designated as PD/PI) must devote measurable effort to the grant. "Zero percent" effort or "as needed" are not acceptable levels of involvement for Senior Key Personnel.
Which Grant Application Forms and Instructions should applicants use for the applications submitted on or after Jan. 25, 2025?
Per NOT-OD-24-086, applications submitted on or after Jan. 25, 2025 should use Forms-I.
Can part-time trainees be supported under the NCATS T32 Predoctoral program?
As per the NOFO, only full-time trainees (defined as research training 40 hours per week, or as defined by the sponsoring organization according to its own policy) can be supported under the NCATS T32 predoctoral NOFO.
Are short-term appointments allowed?
No. Under the T32 Predoctoral program, appointments are normally made in 12-month increments, and no trainee may be appointed for less than 9 months during the initial period of appointment, except with NCATS prior approval. Applicants seeking support for short-term positions should apply to PAR-25-197, Limited Competition: NCATS Clinical and Translational Science Award (CTSA) Program Research Education Grants Programs (R25 - Clinical Trial Not Allowed).
Can support be provided for one-year appointments under the NCATS CTSA T32 Predoctoral Program?
This institutional research training grant is intended to support predoctoral students during years 1–4 of the Ph.D. program for 2-3 years, except under exceptional circumstances. One-year appointments may be allowed for health-professional students who wish to interrupt their studies to gain translational science research experience.
Are health professional trainees supported under the NCATS CTSA T32 Predoctoral Program?
Health-professional students (defined as students enrolled in accredited institutions that provide education and training leading to a health professional degree, including but not limited to: D.N.P., M.D., D.D.S., D.O., Pharm.D., D.V.M., O.D., D.P.T., D.C., N.D., D.P.M., O.T.D., C.Sc.D., S.L.P.D., Au.D.) who wish to interrupt their studies for one year or more to engage in full-time research training before completing their formal training programs, are also eligible.
Can support be provided for postdoctoral trainees under the NCATS CTSA T32 Predoctoral Program?
No. As per the NOFO, applications proposing postdoctoral or combined predoctoral and postdoctoral training are not allowed. Applicants seeking support for postdoctoral trainees should apply to PAR-25-195, Limited Competition: Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Postdoctoral Research Training Grant for the Clinical and Translational Science Awards (CTSA) Program (T32 Clinical Trial Not Allowed). Note that team-based training models that include partnerships with postdoctoral trainees are allowed with the following caveats: (1) the application includes stipend and other budget support for predoctoral trainees only; and (2) all aspects of the training program, such as mentors, evaluation, descriptions of candidate pools, training program plan, and information collected and presented in data tables provide details specific for predoctoral trainees only.
R25: Research Education Grants Programs
What constitutes a research experience?
Relevant text from PAR-25-197: Examples of research experiences include:
- Research experiences centered on the conduct of translational science research. Participants should be exposed to the spectrum that represents each stage of translational science research that includes the path from the biological basis of health and disease to interventions that improve the health of individuals and the public.
- Providing research experiences within and outside of academia (e.g., industry, regulatory agency, nonprofit patient-advocacy group) beyond the home CTSA hub.
- Research experiences focused on entrepreneurship and commercialization that broaden the impact of scientific findings beyond the laboratory.
- Support research experiences for participants from less research-intensive partner institutions to gain clinical and translational science research experiences.
- Support faculty from less research-intensive partner institutions to gain research experiences on improving instruction and mentoring capacity in clinical and translational science at their home institutions.
Are externships allowed on the R25?
Yes. Relevant text from PAR-25-197: Providing research experiences within and outside of academia (e.g., industry, regulatory agency, nonprofit patient-advocacy group) beyond the home CTSA hub.
Are the individuals on the R25 trainees or interns?
Neither. Individuals on the R25 are ‘participants’. Participants receive salary and benefits. These must reflect an employee-employer relationship that is consistent with the institutional salary policies for employees at the recipient organization. R25 participants do not receive stipends.
Is it required that the entire salary and benefits support for the participants during the research education experience be paid by the NIH R25 funds?
Yes. The entire salary and benefits support for the participants of the R25 is to be paid by the R25. Cost sharing is not allowed.
Is it allowable for participants of the R25 to have an employee-employer relationship at a partnering institution?
Participants are to have an employee-employer relationship at the R25 recipient organization.
Should the R25 application include the biosketches of the Program Faculty/mentors?
Yes. The biosketches of the Program Faculty/mentors are an important component of the R25.
See instructions in the Research (R) Instructions in the SF424 (R&R) Application Guide:
Instructions for a Biographical Sketch: All senior/key personnel and other significant contributors (OSCs) must include biographical sketches (biosketches).
From the NIH Glossary:
The PD/PI and other individuals who contribute to the scientific development or execution of a project in a substantive, measurable way, whether or not they receive salaries or compensation under the grant. Typically, these individuals have doctoral or other professional degrees, although individuals at the master’s or baccalaureate level may be considered senior/key personnel if their involvement meets this definition. Consultants and those with a postdoctoral role also may be considered senior/key personnel if they meet this definition. Senior/key personnel must devote measurable effort to the project whether or not salaries or compensation are requested. "Zero percent" effort or "as needed" are not acceptable levels of involvement for those designated as Senior/Key Personnel.
Other Significant Contributors (OSCs)
Individuals who have committed to contribute to the scientific development or execution of the project but are not committing any specified measurable effort (i.e., person months) to the project. These individuals are typically presented at "effort of zero person months" or "as needed." Individuals with measurable effort may not be listed as Other Significant Contributors (OSCs). Consultants should be included if they meet this definition.
Does the R25 need to be submitted at the same time as the UM1?
The R25 (PAR-25-197) is an optional companion application associated with PAR-24-272, Clinical and Translational Science Award (UM1 Clinical Trial Optional) and may be submitted in accordance with the applicable NOFO application submission dates under the following scenarios:
- concurrently with the UM1
- while the UM1 application is under review consideration
- while the UM1 is under consideration for funding
- after the UM1 application is funded
While optional companion applications may be submitted concurrently with the UM1 application or at any time the submitted UM1 new or resubmission application remains active, optional companion applications will only be awarded if the UM1 is awarded.
If the timing of the R25 award did not align with the planned appointment period in year 1, may we plan for a double cohort in year 2?
It is expected that research education activities proposed in the R25 application will take place in all years supported by the grant. If the R25 application proposes to appoint participants in all years of a 5-year award cycle, then participants must be appointed and actively participate from the first grant year until the last. Thus, in this case, it is recommended that the start date of the proposed project be within two months of the anticipated earliest start date based on the application due date to allow for recruitment, appointment and research education activities to occur in all years.
Other Attachments
Is the Institutional Environment and Commitment to the Program letter part of the 25-page PHS398 Research Program Plan? If not, where does this document go in the application package?
No. The Institutional Environment and Commitment to the Program letter is not part of the 25-page Program Plan. According to the instructions in the SF424, the Institutional Environment and Commitment letter is to be part of Letters of Support. Applicants are to combine all Letters of Support into a single PDF file and attach. Do not place these letters in the Appendix. Follow the attachment guidelines on NIH’s Format Attachments page.
As a reminder, applicants are to follow the SF424 Guidance.
For the K12 (PAR-25-196), are the following attachments considered part of the 25-page PHS398 Research Program Plan?
- External Advisory Committee (3-page maximum)
- Scholar Selection and Appointment Process (3-page maximum)
- Mentor/Scholar Assessment Plan (5-page maximum)
- Sustainability Plan (1-page maximum)
- Outcomes Data Collection and Storage Plan (2-page maximum)
- Dissemination Plan (1-page maximum)
- Coordination and Interaction Plan (3-page maximum)
No. These are considered as ‘Other Attachments’ documents and are included within the R&R Other Project Information Form.
For the T32s (PAR-25-194 and PAR-25-195) what are the required Other Attachments?
The two NOFOs have the same required Other Attachments:
- Internal Advisory Committee (3-page maximum)
- Mentor/Trainee Assessment Plan (3-page maximum)
- Trainee Selection and Appointment Process (3-page maximum)
- Trainee Retention Plan (3-page maximum)
- Sustainability Plan (1-page maximum)
- Coordination and Interaction Plan (3-page maximum)
- Dissemination Plan (1-page maximum)
- Outcomes Data Collection and Storage Plan (2-page maximum)
Other Questions
Will study section members have access to all grant applications submitted (UM1, K12, T32, R25, RC2) in the CSTA suite of awards for the same application date?
Applicants should not expect reviewers to have access to all the grant applications submitted as the NOFOs may be reviewed within different study sections (special emphasis panels). Currently, there are three distinct special emphasis panels for the:
- UM1
- RC2
- T32, R25, K12 activity codes
Applications should be complete, so that a reviewer will have all the necessary information for a thorough evaluation within the application. Reviewers will have access only to the applications being reviewed in their special emphasis panels. Information from other applications being reviewed in the special emphasis panels will not be considered during the assessment and review of any specific application.
The Coordination and Integration Plan required for each NOFO provide an opportunity to describe the partnership between the mechanisms. The application must describe the overarching goals of each component and the coordination, integration, synergy and mutual reinforcement of resources between the components. Include a description of the roles of any shared partners and/or collaborators.
Can one of the UM1 partner/partnering or collaborator/collaborating institution be the applicant organization for any required (K12) or companion (T32, R25, RC2) applications?
No. Only the primary UM1 hub institution is eligible to apply. Partner/Partnering and/or Collaborator/Collaborating organizations are not eligible.
The maximum funding lengths for the K12, T32 (pre- and postdoctoral) and R25 mechanisms are five years, but the UM1 mechanism is up to seven years. How does the synchronization of these training elements work?
The K12, T32 (pre- and postdoctoral) and R25 will be off cycle with the UM1. Renewal applications for the K12, T32 (pre- and postdoctoral) and R25 will be allowed in subsequent rounds. An active UM1 is required. The UM1 cannot be in a No Cost Extension or Cost Extension.
Which Grant Application Forms and Instructions should applicants use for the applications submitted on or after Jan. 25, 2025?
Per NOT-OD-24-086, application submitted on or after Jan. 25, 2025, should use Forms-I.
Because these applications are “new,” how do applicants discuss previous experiences with scholars and trainees? What is the correct section for this information?
Applicants are to follow the guidance provided in the SF424 Application Guide. Table 8A, Part II for predoctoral applications and Table 8B, Part II for postdoctoral and K12 applications call for the applicant to list sequentially all predoctorates (8A)/ postdoctorates (8B) completing a training experience in a field or program similar to the proposed program in the last five years who would have been eligible for the proposed program. In the text, applicants can include information for up to 15 years.
Applicants should summarize, in the body of the application, key data from the tables that highlight the characteristics of the applicant pool, faculty mentors, the educational and career outcomes of participants, and other factors that contribute to the overall environment of the program. Ensure that the text matches the tables.
Who must complete the “Biographical Sketch” section?
Follow the instructions in the Training (T) Instructions in the SF424 (R&R) Application Guide and on the Biosketch Format Pages, Instructions and Samples page, noting the following:
- All Senior/Key Personnel and other significant contributors (OSCs) must include biographical sketches (biosketches).
- Other significant contributors (OSCs): Individuals who have committed to contribute to the scientific development or execution of the project but are not committing any specified measurable effort (i.e., person months) to the project. These individuals are typically presented at “effort of zero person months” or “as needed.” Individuals with measurable effort may not be listed as OSCs. Consultants should be included if they meet this definition.
- Senior/Key Personnel: The PD/PI and other individuals who contribute to the scientific development or execution of a project in a substantive, measurable way, whether or not they receive salaries or compensation under the grant. Typically, these individuals have doctoral or other professional degrees, although individuals at the master’s or baccalaureate level may be considered to be senior/key personnel if their involvement meets this definition. Consultants and those with a postdoctoral role also may be considered senior/key personnel if they meet this definition. Senior/key personnel must devote measurable effort to the project whether or not salaries or compensation are requested. “Zero percent” effort or “as needed” are not acceptable levels of involvement for those designated as senior/key personnel.
- Biosketch Personal Statement: Briefly describe why you are well-suited for your role(s) in this project. Relevant factors may include aspects of your training; your previous experimental work on this specific topic or related topics; your technical expertise; your collaborators or scientific environment; and/or your past performance in this or related fields, including ongoing and completed research projects from the past three years to which you want to draw attention (previously captured under Section D. Research Support).