Christopher S. Maurer
Ethics and Management Analysis Branch
Office of Administrative Management
Management Analysis and Policy Section
Contact Info
Christopher S. Maurer is the chief of the Management Analysis and Policy Section of the Ethics and Management Analysis Branch within NCATS’ Office of Administrative Management. In this role, he oversees risk, emergency, records and policy management; organizational changes; delegations of authority; NCATS’ reasonable accommodations and workplace flexibilities programs; and Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey analysis. He also oversees the Integrated Time and Attendance System (ITAS), Voluntary Leave Transfer Program (VLTP) and Leave Bank Program (LB). Since joining NCATS in 2017, Maurer has helped develop the organization’s workforce planning and management efforts while also helping develop and submit the organizational change requests that have formalized the subcomponents of NCATS’ four operating divisions.
Maurer came to NIH in 2007 as a purchasing agent in the Biophysics and Biochemistry Center at the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute and soon became a team lead. In 2011, he enrolled in the NIH Management Intern Program, a competitive, two-year development program consisting of rotational assignments at different NIH Institutes and Centers. Upon graduating from the program in 2013, Maurer joined the Clinical Center’s Office of Administrative Management, and later, its Office of Management, Planning and Public Liaison, where he served as the Clinical Center’s ITAS, VLTP and LB coordinator, in addition to providing support to administrative and leadership staff.
Professional Interests
Maurer seeks to create efficiencies in policies and processes to reduce the administrative burden on nonadministrative staff and to find synergy between NCATS’ administrative and scientific endeavors. He has worked to develop NCATS’ onboarding program, including the New Staff Orientation, to help new staff effectively integrate into the organization.