How to Request a BrIDGs Collaboration
At this time, BrIDGs is not accepting new investigator-initiated proposals to collaborate. However, interested investigators may contact BrIDGs program staff at any time to discuss a potential partnership. Please email BrIDGs staff for further information.
Prospective partners are encouraged to connect with NCATS for timely notification when program updates are announced.
General Proposal Process
Submitted research proposals will be reviewed for scientific merit, technical feasibility, fit with available resources and program balance. Steps include:
- Pre-proposal screening with BrIDGs staff to confirm qualification as a partnering organization and merit of the current data package. This process consists of submission of an abstract for the proposed project and a telephone discussion.
- Submission of a full proposal package. This package includes a formal written proposal and specified supporting documents.
Internal, confidential programmatic and scientific assessments of the submitted proposal by BrIDGs staff. External drug development experts and an advisory group representing other NIH institutes and centers with disease expertise in each proposal area conducts additional evaluations, which are based on four key criteria:
a. Strength of current data package
b. Target and therapeutic validation
c. Feasibility to reach first-in-human status
d. Medical impact relative to current standard of care- In-depth due diligence, including face-to-face meetings with potential collaborators, under the protection of a confidential disclosure agreement on selected projects, leading to a final decision.