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Director's Messages

All Director's Messages

View previous Director's Messages by topic, keyword or by year.

June 18, 2024: Clinical Trials, Today and Tomorrow

Joni Rutter shares how the CTSA Program is addressing big barriers to clinical trials.

February 7, 2024: Unlocking the Power of Data for Faster Health Solutions 

Joni Rutter describes the translational science principles that enable impactful data innovations.

November 15, 2023: Better Predicting a Medicine’s Safety and Efficacy 

Joni Rutter describes the approaches NCATS used to build more accurate models for drug discovery and development.

June 27, 2023: How NCATS Tackles Persistent Problems in Translation 

How NCATS Tackles Persistent Problems in Translation NCATS addresses long-standing bottlenecks in the translational research pipeline.

April 19, 2023: NCATS’ New Strategic Plan Will Chart a Path for Realizing Our Audacious Goals

Joni Rutter shares her goals for NCATS’ next strategic plan and ways the translational science community can build it together.

February 6, 2023: Five Lessons NCATS Learned During the Pandemic

Joni Rutter reflects on NCATS’ COVID-19 activities and the insights we gained that can ready us for the future.

November 8, 2022: Leading NCATS into the Future

Joni Rutter reflects on her selection as NCATS director, the Center’s culture and her bold goals for the future.

September 15, 2022: Engaging “Many Hands” to Advance NCATS’ Mission

NCATS’ acting director discusses the important role of our stakeholders in bringing more treatments to all people more quickly.

August 17, 2022: New Treatments Twice as Fast

NCATS’ acting director highlights crimps in the translational pipeline and approaches for developing new treatments twice as fast over the next decade.

June 8, 2022: Increase Inclusivity to Improve Health for All

The NCATS acting director describes how the Center is working toward the goal of increasing inclusivity in research and in the translational science workforce.

Last updated on April 29, 2024