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James J. Taylor, M.P.A.

Emergency Preparedness Manager

Ethics and Management Analysis Branch

Office of Administrative Management

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Portrait of James J. Taylor


James J. Taylor, M.P.A., is the emergency preparedness manager in NCATS’ Ethics and Management Analysis Branch of the Office of Administrative Management, where he is responsible for leading the Center in an all-hazards approach to mitigating the impact of disasters on Institute/Center (IC) personnel and property. He accomplishes this by maintaining and revising IC Emergency Operation Plans, such as the Occupant Emergency Plan and the Continuity of Operations Plan. Taylor also manages the Emergency Tier Designation Program, NCATS' portion of the AlertNIH/AtHoc system, and serves as a backup to the facilities manager.

Beginning in July 2018, Taylor started his federal career as a presidential management fellow (PMF), serving as an NIH At-Large PMF until graduating in July 2020. He rotated through a variety of ICs and Offices, gaining a wealth of insight into different administrative roles and expanding his knowledge of NIH operations as a whole.

Taylor earned an M.P.A. focused on public policy from Southern University and A&M College in 2016.

Professional Interests

Taylor truly enjoys contributing to efforts that keep people safe. The specific role he has attained at NCATS allows him to do this both directly and indirectly. He also enjoys working collaboratively and building partnerships with his emergency management colleagues throughout NIH and across the federal government.

Last updated on July 12, 2024