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3-D Tissue Bioprinting Lab Resources

The 3-D Tissue Bioprinting program builds on internal expertise at NCATS in assay development for drug screening, automation technologies, stem cell biology, tissue engineering, laboratory automation engineering and advanced high-content microscopy.

About Our 3-D Tissue Bioprinting Lab Resources

Bioprinting Core

  • 2 RegenHU 3DDiscovery® bioprinters

  • 1 RegenHU 3DDiscovery® R-GEN 200 bioprinter

  • 1 CellInk BIONOVA X DLP printer

Histology Core

  • Leica VT1200 S fully automated vibrating blade microtome

  • Leica Aperio VERSA brightfield, fluorescence and FISH digital pathology scanner

  • Leica BOND RXm fully automated advanced staining system

  • Thermo HistoStar™ embedding workstation

  • Thermo Excelsior™ AS tissue processor

  • Thermo CryoStar NX50 Cryostat

  • Thermo Gemini AS automated slide stainer

  • Thermo ClearVue™ Coverslipper

  • Akoya Biosciences Phenoimager HT slide imager

Microscopy Core

  • Fluorescence Microscopy: EVO5000 and EVO7000

  • Confocal Fluorescence Microscopy: Nikon Eclipse Ti with a modular microscope system; Nikon D-Eclipse C1; Leica TCS SP8 MP multiphoton microscope; Zeiss LSM710 with Airyscan

  • High-Content Cell Imaging Readers: Molecular Devices ImageXpress micro confocal high-content imaging system and PerkinElmer Opera Phenix high-content screening system

  • Laser Microdissection System: Leica LMD6500

Access to Additional High-Throughput Screening Assay Technologies

  • Molecular Devices FLIPR Tetra high-throughput cellular screening system

  • Meso Scale Diagnostics MESO QuickPlex SQ 120

  • Luminex FLEXMAP 3D®

  • Axion BioSystems Maestro microelectrode array system

  • Bruker rapifleX MALDI PharmaPulse

  • WPI Automated TEER Measurement System

Last updated on June 26, 2024