N3C Education Enclave
The N3C Education Enclave offers a space for researchers to develop and practice the skills needed to analyze real-world data. It is a partnership between NCATS and the NIH Office of Data Science Strategy.
Education Enclave Overview
Aubri S. Hoffman, Ph.D.
Director of Curriculum Development
Axle Research and Technology/NCATS
Thanks to Tufts Medical Center, this enclave includes data from 500,000 simulated patients created for educational purposes but no actual patient data. This synthetic data has gone through extensive testing to mitigate any concerns about privacy.
The data represent common elements found within electronic health records. These elements include conditions, devices, drugs, measurements, observations, procedures and visits. In addition, the enclave connects to a number of publicly available data sets for use alongside the simulated EHR data.
Education Enclave users have access to training and support materials, such as a researcher’s guide, training portal and weekly office hours.
Using the Education Enclave
If you want to access and use data within the Education Enclave, you must complete several steps. For details, see N3C Education.