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Our Impact on Big Data

Our teams find ways to transform massive amounts of data into health solutions faster than ever.

Turning Data Into Solutions

We have more and more opportunities to collect, produce and access research data. But drawing meaning from all that information is still difficult. Data sets are often vast, complex and not linked together in useful ways.

To speed the translation of research observations into health solutions, we have invested heavily in new approaches to learn from large sets of complex data. Our efforts have shown that connecting data from people’s electronic health records can deliver public health insights in weeks, rather than months or years. We have further demonstrated the power of synthesizing data from a variety of sources to spur therapeutic leads through the drug development pipeline. And we've created the tools that others also use to make these connections and share the results faster.

Big data offers big opportunities across the entire spectrum of translational science. Our newer initiatives apply data science tools like machine learning to mine unexplored chemical space for new therapeutic molecules and use clinical data to speed rare disease diagnoses.

Explore All Areas of Our Impact

Impact Stories

Scientists Identify Characteristics to Better Define Long COVID

Using machine learning, researchers found patterns in electronic health record data to better identify those likely to have the condition.

CTSA Researchers Use Deep Learning Model for Optimal Atrial Fibrillation Monitoring Timing

A predictive computer model for atrial fibrillation could help clinicians decide when to start long-term monitoring to detect atrial fibrillation missed by a single test.

Big Data Activities

We invest in data science approaches and tools that connect, explore, analyze and share large and disconnected datasets to produce meaningful insights that speed new health solutions.

National COVID Cohort Collaborative (N3C)

We created and maintain this national resource of clinical and other data to answer critical research questions about COVID-19 health outcomes.

Biomedical Data Translator

This program funds projects that integrate existing medical and biological data from different sources to quickly and easily reveal valuable connections and insights about diseases, including potential treatments.

OpenData Portal

Our OpenData Portal is an open and accessible platform for sharing COVID-19-related drug repurposing data and experiments involving approved drugs.

Big Data News

Using AI to Shape the Future of Treatment Personalization

April 18, 2024 - NCATS News

  • Our Impact on Big Data
  • Small Business (SBIR)

An NCATS Small Business Innovation Research grantee is using artificial intelligence to study electronic health records to predict how diseases and different treatments af

N3C Data Validate Two Clinical Tools to Predict COVID-19 Mortality Risk

November 20, 2023 - NCATS News

  • National COVID Cohort Collaborative (N3C)
  • Our Impact on Big Data

Two new COVID-19 risk-prediction tools tested in part using the NCATS National COVID Cohort Collaborative (N3C) could help clinicians make faster and better treatment decisions.

Artificial Intelligence Is Advancing Clinical Research and Data Quality

April 25, 2023 - NCATS News

  • Clinical and Translational Science Awards (CTSA) Program
  • Our Impact on Big Data

NCATS awardees use small business funding and CTSA Program grants to commercialize a customizable natural language processing software.

Last updated on April 19, 2024