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National COVID Cohort Collaborative Forms and Resources

We provide links to documents, resources and other materials about the N3C. Access the resources.

Existing agreements to support N3C data transfer, use and linkage will begin to expire in 2025. The following amendment forms are available; they extend the expiration date to Sept. 30, 2029:

Accessing N3C Data

Individual researchers can access N3C data in the N3C Data Enclave only after their home institutions have signed a Data Use Agreement (DUA) with NCATS. Once an institution has executed a DUA with NCATS, researchers can register with the N3C and apply for data access.

See our collection of forms and resources related to accessing N3C data for both institutions and individuals, including the DUA form, a list of DUA signatories, the Data User Code of Conduct, and how to cite and acknowledge the N3C in publications.

Contributing Data to the N3C

NCATS has established a Data Transfer Agreement (DTA) that provides terms and conditions for data transfer and outlines the general terms of data use. Institutions sign the DTA, then work with NCATS to transfer a Limited Data Set relevant to COVID-19 derived from electronic health records to the N3C Data Enclave.

See our collection of forms and resources related to contributing data to the N3C, including the DTA form, the Linkage Honest Broker Agreement form, a list of DTA signatories, and the N3C’s data dictionary.

Participating in the N3C Community

The N3C encourages researchers to participate in the broader N3C community by joining Domain Teams to engage with others who have similar COVID-19 research interests.

Learn about each of the more than 30 clinical and crosscutting N3C Domain Teams. The Domain Teams cover diverse topics, such as machine learning, rural health, nursing and cardiovascular disease.  

All members of the N3C community should read the Community Guiding Principles. This document outlines expectations for members, including institutions and individuals who use N3C resources and data.

Last updated on June 14, 2024